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Voting Results
. . Voting Results for Candidates . .
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Polska / Zielona Góra / strzelecko-drezdenecki, pow. / Dobiegniew, gm.
CZEKAJŁO Ryszard Zbigniew
List's Number: 6
Number on the list: 16
No. of valid votes: 2192
No. of votes per list: 464
No. of votes per candidate: 3
% of votes per candidate: 0.14
of data0.08%0.17%0.26%0.35%0.44%0.53%0.62%0.71%0.80%0.90%applicable

See also:
. . Voting Results for Candidates . .
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No. Name No. of entitled
to vote
No. of ballot
papers issued
No. of votes No. of votes: per candidate / valid [%]
total valid per List per candidate
1Gimnazjum ul.Gdańska 8, Dobiegniew1888848848833010.12
2Zespół Szkół ul.Poznańska 5, Dobiegniew2156848848819020.24
3Szkoła Filialna Mierzęcin491164164157000.00 
4Szkoła Podstawowa Radęcin642212212202000.00 
5Szkoła Filialna Głusko453163163161000.00 
6Dom Pomocy Społecznej w Dobiegniewie ul. Gdańska 1751242420000.00 
  Dobiegniew, gm. 5681 2259 2259 2192 464 3 0.14

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