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Voting Results
. . Voting Results for Candidates . .
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Polska / Opole ...
List's Number: 8
Number on the list: 7
No. of valid votes: 368540
No. of votes per list: 171683
No. of votes per candidate: 5176
% of votes per candidate: 1.40
of data1.74%3.22%4.70%6.18%7.66%9.14%10.62%12.10%13.58%15.07%applicable

See also:
. . Voting Results for Candidates . .
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No. Name No. of entitled
to vote
No. of ballot
papers issued
No. of votes No. of votes: per candidate / valid [%]
total valid per List per candidate
160100brzeski, pow.73453358863587835112149632370.67
160200głubczycki, pow.399771718217175166627801670.40
160300kędzierzyńsko-kozielski, pow.80694374213741336564180901680.46
160400kluczborski, pow.5577923941239282330210059820.35
160500krapkowicki, pow.54106208602085320154102761110.55
160600namysłowski, pow.346801668216680161365686480.30
160700nyski, pow.118070546445459453195220585741.08
160800oleski, pow.546602179321786212088590590.28
166101Opole, m.99039611686109860333352934000.66
160900opolski, pow.107428427404272741411195322730.66
161000prudnicki, pow.474862041020392197878203296815.00
161100strzelecki, pow.65531256042560224676111321890.77
  Opole, okr. 21 830903 378331 378126 368540 171683 5176 1.40

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