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Voting Results
. . Voting Results for Candidates . .
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Polska / Tarnów / bocheński, pow. / Drwinia, gm.
ŻOŁNECZKO Dariusz Alojzy
List's Number: 2
Number on the list: 9
No. of valid votes: 2357
No. of votes per list: 23
No. of votes per candidate: 1
% of votes per candidate: 0.04
of data0.01%0.03%0.05%0.07%0.09%0.11%0.13%0.15%0.17%0.20%applicable

See also:
. . Voting Results for Candidates . .
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No. Name No. of entitled
to vote
No. of ballot
papers issued
No. of votes No. of votes: per candidate / valid [%]
total valid per List per candidate
1Urząd Gminy w Drwini994439439429000.00 
2Dom Kultury w Grobli1129582582559000.00 
3Szkoła Podstawowa w Mikluszowicach2128107310711023010.10
4Szkoła Podstawowa w Świniarach695354354346000.00 
  Drwinia, gm. 4946 2448 2446 2357 23 1 0.04

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