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Electoral Commissions |
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Polska / dolnośląskie, woj. / Legnica / głogowski, pow. / Kotla, gm. |
Kotla, gm. |
No. of electoral constituency: |
1 |
Teryt: |
020304 |
Commune type: |
gmina wiejska |
Statistics |
Population: |
4149 |
Area: |
127.75 km2 |
Population density: |
32 os/km2 |
Electoral Statistic |
No. of people entitled to vote: |
3187 |
Number of wards: |
5 |
rural commune |
- location accessible for the handicapped |
rural area in urban-rural commune |
urban area in urban-rural commune |
urban commune |
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Types of ward |
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Type |
Number |
Powszechny | 5 | 3 |
total |
5 |
3 |
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Polling Wards |
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Number |
Address of the polling station |
Type |
The Boundaries of Pooling Ward |
1 | Gimnazjum Gminne w Kotli, ul. Szkolna 2 | Powszechny | Yes | KOTLA, SKÓRZYN, GROCHOWICE | 2 | Szkoła Podstawowa w Chociemyśli | Powszechny | No | CHOCIEMYŚL, KOZIE DOŁY, ZABIELE, BOGOMICE, CEBER, SKIDNIÓWEK | 3 | Budynek Komunalny w Sobczycach nr 38 | Powszechny | Yes | SOBCZYCE, KRZEKOTÓWEK, MOSZOWICE | 4 | Budynek Komunalny w Głogówku nr 17 | Powszechny | Yes | GŁOGÓWKO, LEŚNA DOLINA, KULÓW, KRĄŻKÓWKO, ZASZKÓW | 5 | Sala Wiejska w Skidniowie Nr 48 | Powszechny | No | SKIDNIÓW, DORZECZE, PĘKOSZÓW |